Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

The Warranty Informer


Search Results for "phone".

We found 38 posts for you

Nokia Extending Warranty for Certain Phones

If you have a Nokia phone with a warranty that was set to expire in the two month period starting March 15, 2020, chances are that your warranty will be extended for an additional 60 days according to the manufacturer. The warranty extension is due to disruptions during the COVID......

Department of Justice Shuts Down Warranty Robocall Scammers

The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York entered a consent decree imposing a permanent injunction barring two individuals and two companies that transmitted massive volumes of fraudulent robocalls from conveying any telephone calls into the U.S. telephone syst......

Press 1 to Speak to Someone Regarding Your Extended Warranty

Saturdays and Sundays are, for the most part peaceful. "Why," you ask, "my weekends are insane. There's never enough time to get everything done, and the next thing you know, it 9 o'clock on Sunday night." Agreed. The thing that makes the weekend peaceful for me is that my phone......

Extended Car Warranty Scam Hits Kentucky Town

An oldy-but-a-goody is making its way back around — the vehicle warranty scam. The call comes from a local area code, even indicating the town you live in or one nearby, and first greets you with an urgent recording. “If you don’t choose to stay on the line and speak to on......

Warranty Scam Robocalls Increase 10 Percent in May 2020

According to the YouMail Robocall Index, warranty scam robocalls were up 10 percent in May 2020 over the prior month. An estimated total of 149.5 million extended warranty robocalls were placed in May, a total of nearly 5 million illegal warranty robocalls each day. The increase......

Auto Protection Club Sued for Alleged TCPA Violations

Extended car warranty seller Greenlight Auto Protection of St. Charles, Missouri which does business as Auto Protection Club stands accused of violating the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in a class-action lawsuit filed in the Eastern District of Missouri - Eastern Divi......

What Happened to Selling the Value of an Extended Warranty?

I'm going to start this off by saying that I'm no angel. Back when I was on the phones, I could sell. I sold extended warranties to people who didn't want them or didn't need them for way too much money. I could rebut anything. Need to ask your wife? "I thought you were the man ......

Nokia Extending Warranty for Certain Phones

If you have a Nokia phone with a warranty that was set to expire in the two month period starting March 15, 2020, chances are that your warranty will be extended for an additional 60 days according to the manufacturer. The warranty extension is due to disruptions during the COVID......